Strainers are an important component of the plumbing system to protect equipment from
potential damage from dirt and other particles that process fluids can transport. During
system startup and flushing, the filter can be placed in front of the pump to protect the
pump from construction debris that may remain on the pipe. Permanent strainers can be
installed in front of control valves, traps, and tools to loosen and protect them from
corrosion products that may be transported through the piping system. This article will
reveal everything about one such strainer, i.e., Y-type Strainers.
Description of Y type Strainers
Y type Strainers are designed to protect the equipment from potential damage from mud and
other particles that process fluids can block in the pipeline. The strainer extends the life
of the valve and protects expensive pumps, flow meters, and other line equipment. Y Type
Strainers in Mumbai are suitable for water, air, gas, petroleum, steam, and other
The Y Type Strainers in Mumbai can be installed horizontally or vertically (downward
flow) with the screen elements facing down. This allows the sieve to collect particles on
the sieve at the lowest point of the sieve. The Y-type Strainers consist of a housing,
filter element, coupling, high voltage nut bolts, and cover plate.
Features of Y- Type Strainers
- Flat-screen seats for suitable seats
- Easy to clean or replace filter element
- Small size
- Low-pressure loss for the entire filter
- Sufficient strength for elements and body
- The Y- type Strainers gives a minimum ratio of free flow, i.e., 3 or higher, ensuring an
effective level of filtration.
- Particularly careful attention is paid to producing high-quality Y- type Strainers to
reduce the pressure drop across the filter mesh.
- The Y- type Strainers can be customized according to the site's filtration needs.
- A high-adhesive, non-metallic screen makes Y-type Strainers cost-effective.
- Protection of damage to expensive pumps, flow meters, heat exchangers, check valves,
spray nozzles, etc.
- Remove external particles, mud, dirt, and debris
- Ability to replace a filter element with another element of the same type
Why choose FRP strainers over other metals
PP FRP Y-type strainers are used in heavy chemical applications to remove impurities from
flowing liquids and prevent clogging and failure of plant components. The size of these
filters depends on the size of the dirt particles. The Y- type Strainers made of
fibreglass-reinforced plastic (FRP) offers some unique benefits.
- FRP Y- type Strainers are very abrasion and corrosion resistant
- FRP Y- type Strainers are much cheaper than strainers made of other abrasion/corrosion
resistant materials.
- In addition, FRP Y-type Strainers are lighter in weight and, unlike metal alternatives,
they can be repaired in the field.
Because of these properties, FRP Y-type Strainers are often used in services that contain
brine, brine, sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid and other corrosive chemicals.
Where is Y type Strainers used?
Y strainers are often used in applications that do not require frequent cleaning and require
a relatively small amount of material to be removed. The vent connection allows you to clean
the screen without removing the filter housing for processes that collect more dirt.
Let's see various industries where Y-type Strainers are used:
- Looking at the pumps at gas stations, there are refineries that do a lot of work. The
oil and gas industry uses large Y-type Strainers to clean tar, chewing gum, and other
substances from products, from gasoline to crude oil. Oil refineries use Y-type
Strainers to remove harmful substances from the pumps that power the plant.
- The Y-type Strainers diesel engine is used between the fuel tank and the fuel pump to
prevent blockage due to diesel impurities.
- The Y Type Strainers in India can be used as an intermediate or final filter
element in biofuel production if the strain element can eliminate nanoparticles.
- Commercial buildings may use Y Type Strainers in India to prevent cooling towers
and boilers from releasing lime into the water.
- In the chemical manufacturing process, pipeline filters such as Y-type Strainers are
used to ensure cleaner products and ensure that the finished equipment is not adversely
affected. Similarly, the cosmetics industry uses filters to remove undissolved
semi-solid masses before the product is complete.
- In food manufacturing, Y-type Strainers are used to remove solids such as pulp and skin
from the juice.
- In all these and beyond, the Y-type Strainers are part of the fluid filtration process
that makes products better.