FRP MB Vessel (Mixed Bed)

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mixed bed vessel

FRP MB Vessel (Mixed Bed) are typically used to "polish" water to a higher level of purity after being first treated with either a two-bed deionizer or a reverse osmosis unit. The resin is thoroughly mixed and placed in a single pressure vessel. The mixed bed deionizer thoroughly resembles an expanded series of two-bed plants by thoroughly mixing the resin in one column. As a result, the water quality obtained from the FRP MB Vessel (Mixed Bed) is much higher than the water quality produced by the two-bed plant. FRP MB Vessel Manufacturer in Mumbai offers a wide range of hybrid units specifically designed for high-purity industrial water and supply applications that provides efficient contact time between water and resin floor.

What is FRP MB Vessel (Mixed Bed)?

The FRP MB Vessel (Mixed Bed) acts as a polishing unit in all water treatment plants that require ultrapure water with a conductivity of less than 1. All FRP MB Vessel (Mixed Bed) enclosures can be fitted to sight glasses, inspection hatches, hand hatches, and middle manhole hatches.

Unique Features of FRP MB Vessel (Mixed Bed)

  • Very light
  • FRP (vinyl ester) structure for corrosion-free service
  • No metal parts
  • Adjustable sight glass, thread, and open flange
  • Can provide body flange design
  • Smooth exterior finish
  • Sight glass is specially designed to prevent resin from settling
  • Can be used in UPVC / CPVC pipes, ejectors, acid and alkaline tanks
  • High impact strength
  • Easy to handle and install
  • Easy maintenance

FRP MB Vessel Manufacturer in India offers the inherently durable and structurally strong FRP MB Vessel (Mixed Bed) in various technical qualities and can be customized to your exact taste.

FRP MB Vessel (Mixed Bed): Operating principle

Cation resin and anion resin are mixed in one container for mixed bearing replacement. As the water flows through the resin layer, the ion exchange process is repeated several times, during which time the water is "polished" to a very high degree of purity. During regeneration, the resin is separated into various cation and anion fractions. The resin is separated by backwashing, and a light anionic resin precipitates on the cationic resin. The reconstituted acid is introduced from the lower distributor, and the caustic alkali is introduced from the distributor into the resin bed. The regeneration current merges at the boundary between the cation and anion resin and is discharged from the collector at the resin interface. After regeneration and introduction of shear rinse, mix the resin using air and water. After that, the resin is washed away, and the unit is ready for use. Mixing and countercurrent bearing systems produce cleaner water than traditional anionic minerals but require more sophisticated equipment and higher initial costs. More complex playback sequences require more operator attention than standard systems. This is especially true for mixed family units.

FRP MB Vessel Manufacturer in Mumbai offers custom-designed FRP MB Vessel (Mixed Bed) with manual slots for removing media and loading into large diameter vessels, sight glasses, and middle collector openings with distributors for mixed bearing applications.
